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Beyond Our Shores @ South Shore

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Did you know that you may already be a local and global missionary? If you give to South Shore, a portion of that offering goes to support missionaries and mission projects 'beyond our shores'. From Operation Hands-Together in Rio Bravo, Mexico to the United Methodist-founded Africa University in Zimbabwe, to the Florida United Methodist Children's Home in Enterprise, through our giving, we support the sharing of Christ's love both down the street, and around the globe.

You can impact the world through:

There are numerous opportunities for you to get involved, both at home and around the world. Check here to see upcoming opportunities to give of your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.

Mission Smiles

Mission Smiles is a Christian non-profit mobile dental truck that is under the ministry of Mission Tampa. They travel throughout Hillsborough County serving those 200% below the poverty level with free dental care. Mission Smiles partners with churches like South Shore United Methodist Church, serving their local communities and outreach programs. 

Mission Smiles believes all people need to be appreciated, cared for, loved, trusted, and respected. We express our deepest gratitude to all who are part of this ministry that stretch out in love to those in need of dental care.  Our volunteers are truly a team sharing God’s love through prayer and action.


Ask how you can be involved as a volunteer in an upcoming dental clinic.  Please email

Mission Smiles International

Update from Christine Koolo, Coordinator

On behalf of Mbale Christian Women Ministry, entire body of Christ and communities you reached in Uganda, we cannot find appropriate words to express our gratitude, our appreciation to SSUMC, Mission Smiles International, and well-wishes for what was accomplished in 2018 and 2019. You obeyed the voice of God and became Christ's Hand in Action. We cannot thank you enough for what you have invested, especially in communities, people with disabilities, and the study at Busoba School of the Deaf. 

God carefully brought you to Uganda for this purpose; you went out of your way and demonstrated God's love, and brought smiles His people. We shall forever be grateful to the Almighty for our shared relationship.



"...We have never seen such kind people who provide services on their own free will and personal sacrifice! Are they coming from another planet? Thank you, may God bless you..."

An elderly woman with five bad teeth said ..."I have visited several Health Centers but could not afford the cost of extraction and had given up, because of the fear of the crude way of using regular pliers to extract..."

Through Missions Smiles International Persons with Disabilities discovered how God loves, cares, and values them. This was manifest by inspiring people the whole way from America to clean their teeth, give free reading and sun glasses, which they would otherwise not afford! This act of love brought smiles on their faces and registered in their hearts, that indeed God cares, even for us!


Dental Hygiene in Uganda is one of the services that only a few people can access because of the high costs. Persons would visit the dentist only when in unbearable pain, and in most cases, only for extraction! This service is an extraordinary intervention to relieve people from pain!

Thank you for your prayerful support. With your help, we hope to spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the poor and needy, and demonstrate the love of God to His people as we improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable. Because of you, we smile. 



11525 Big Bend Road · Riverview, Florida · 33579 | 813.677.9482

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