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News at South Shore...
Join us Sunday, October 27th from 5 pm to 7 pm for our Annual Trunk or Treat! What is a trunk or treat? It is a fun and safe alternative...
Moana: You're Welcome
Sunday’s Scripture ~ Luke 5:17-26. Stewardship Focus ~ I Chronicles 29:1-5a. Identifying and allocating resources is an important step in...
Moana: You're Welcome
Each week Pastor Sarah blogs on the Scripture for Sunday's upcoming sermon. Use this entry as a way to prepare your heart and mind for...
Moana: It Calls Me
Sunday’s Scripture ~ Mark 1:16-20 (Luke 5:1-11). This week Judi Hamrick will offer her leadership in worship by offering the sermon. This...
Moana: It Calls Me
Each week Pastor Sarah blogs on the Scripture for Sunday's upcoming sermon. Use this entry as a way to prepare your heart and mind for...
Moana: Where You Are
Sunday’s Scripture ~ Luke 4:1-11. One of South Shore’s Small Groups is working their way through Andy Stanley’s Study Breakthrough. One...
Moana: Where You Are
Each week Pastor Sarah blogs on the Scripture for Sunday's upcoming sermon. Use this entry as a way to prepare your heart and mind for...
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Sunday’s Scripture ~ Luke 16:19-31. This week the South Shore Family will be joined in worship leadership by Rev. Josh Bell. Josh is an...
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Each week Pastor Sarah blogs on the Scripture for Sunday's upcoming sermon. Use this entry as a way to prepare your heart and mind for...
You Might Be A Christian If...You Believe 'Love, Baby; It's All About Love.'
Sunday’s Scripture ~ Luke 10:25-37. Early on in my homiletics course in seminary my professor admonished our class, “Not every sermon is...
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