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Adult ministry at South Shore happens on a big scale, too. More than just small groups, these are just some of the church-wide ministry areas that are alive at South Shore...
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Every First Thursday of the month - 7pm, Room 106
Every First Friday of the month - 10am, Room 106
At South Shore we extend an invitation to women of all ages to join to help empower and improve the lives of women, youth, and children in the United States and around the world by:
Providing opportunities to grow spiritually
Equipping women and girls to be leaders
Providing transformative educational experiences
Organizing for growth and flexibility
Working for justice through service and advocacy
2018 UMW Officers
Upcoming Events:
September 14, 2019 ~ 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Moving Forward in Fellowship, Faith, and Service Annual Tea
October 4 and 5 - Fall Rummage Sale
April 2 and 3, 2020 - Spring Rummage Sale
2018 UMW Tea
UMW Supports:
South Shore UMC
Backpack Ministry Children's Ministry Youth Ministry
Sunday Hospitality Vacation Bible School Health Ministry
Breakfast with Santa Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Beyond Our Shores
MOPs Mission Smiles Cornerstone Ministries
Women of Uganda Ministry
UMW Membership:
Membership forms are available in the SSUMC Welcome Center or from a UMW Officer:
Active Member - supports monthly activities and donates a yearly membership gift.
Member-At-Large - supports UMW on occasion when available and donates a yearly membership gift.
Supporting Member - supports UMW activities whenever available.
UMW Officers:
President: Valerie Taylor vtaylor44@verizon.net
Vice President: Julene Fazio
Secretary: Hillary Old
Treasurer: Carolyn Kleist
Mentor and Advisor: Sharon Brunk
Click here for more information on the UMW Global Connection. SSUMC UMW belongs to the Gulf Central District, Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church.